
You Should Be a Member of Boulder Ridge!

By becoming a Park member, your family will receive unlimited admission to the Park for an entire season! You can visit as often as you wish, stay for a few hours or the whole day! Summer fun has never sounded so good! A Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park membership also makes an excellent gift for friends and family.

Click here for the Membership form

With Each Membership You Receive

FREE admission to Boulder Ridge for an entire season.

10% off Giftshop merchandise. 10% off concessions.

$1.00 OFF kid’s train ride

Halloween Park before Dark Event included

1-Personalized Membership Card Additional cards $3.00 each

Build Your Membership

One Adult $65

Two Adults $130

Adults on membership must be 18 or older.

Adults listed on membership must show

Photo ID when presenting membership card.

Children $45 each

Add as many children that you would like

to the membership for $45 each. Children

must be ages of 3-17 and will be listed

on the membership card. ( 2 & under- Free)

Membership FAQs

Your membership is valid for one full year from the time of purchase.

We offer four easy options:

1. BY PHONE – call the Park Office (616) 868-6711 Monday-Saturday from 10 AM- 5 PM Purchases by phone will be accepted with a MasterCard, Visa, or Discover credit card.

2. IN PERSON – come into the Park’s Main Entrance seven days a week, during our open hours, May 1 – mid Oct.

If you want to fill in your membership form ahead of time you can do so using this link.

Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park

8313 Pratt Lake Dr. SE

Alto, MI 49302

We charge admission for children age 3 and above. Children age 2 and younger are admitted free.

You must be at least 18 years or older to have a membership in your name.

If you come to the Park, or if you submit your application by mail, online or by phone, your membership will be processed and available for you to pick up at the Park gift shop within two to four weeks.

No, your membership card(s) and associated privileges are not transferable to any other individual. Your membership has a tremendous value. To protect the rights of our members, we may ask to see your photo ID, such as a driver’s license, at the time of your visit.

No. At this time we do not participate in the reciprocity program.

Call the Park Office (616) 868-6711 to report lost cards, email or come in.

© 2023 Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park | All Rights Reserved